How to Motivate Teenagers

"Tell your child  - You have to do what you have to do, so you can do what you want to do.'
Most Children have the underlying drive to be motivated enough its just that they need to be introduced to the reason for the objective. What they need is a 'why' and they always want to know, “Why am I doing this? Why is this Science project important to me?” And the answer can’t be, “Because I told you so.” The answer can’t even necessarily be “because this is your school work.” There has to be something within your child that pushes him past the inconveniences, the shortcomings, and the hiccups that will, without question, arise when he undertakes something that’s challenging. So it’s important for kids to understand why they want to do something, not just that they have to do it.
When they finally understand how something benefits them, they will do it long term. If the reason your child does something is only because it’s important to you, that is short term motivation and that will end. 
The “why” of things. - it’s important to help the  child understand why they need SST/Science /Maths and school. So you can say, “You may not love Maths , but you need maths in order to pass your Boards.” What you want to communicate to your child is that you have to do what you have to do so you can do what you want to do. Find out what your child wants to do or become in the future. The average kid’s ambition does require them to pass out at least high school. So you can say to your child, “Look, Maths is one of those things that you have to do so you can do what you want to do. Maybe later you want to be a Lawyer/computer programmer. That’s great, but you’re going to need to go to college for that and for that at the very least you’re going to need a high school degree.” It’s the concept of “short–term sacrifice for long–term gain.”
It’s okay for your kid to say, “I hate Maths. I’m not good at this.”  it’s a valid feeling  and a good response from you is, “I have no problem with you hating Maths. But I do have a problem with you quitting doing what you do not like as that is helping you in finally getting you want...You have to pass in the subject in order to get across the Boards and in turn get into the college that will get you your dream Law School Degree !!!
It’s important for you to help your child make positive goals and then make sure the things that he or she is saying yes or no to match up with that.

Image result for make your child what he wants to be


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